Hörstolperstein Berta Eisenberg – Salzburg

  • Hoerstolperstein_Salzburg_11_Eisenberg
07:01 perc
Hörstolperstein Balthasar Wöss – Salzburg
08:03 perc
Hörstolperstein Aloisia Wolf – Salzburg
07:28 perc
Hörstolperstein Hildegard Lohmann – Salzburg
05:36 perc
Hörstolperstein Theresia Karas – Salzburg
07:42 perc
Hörstolperstein Daniel Bonyhadi – Salzburg
06:09 perc
Hörstolperstein Franz Seywald – Salzburg
06:40 perc
Hörstolperstein Konrad Hertzka – Salzburg
05:25 perc
Hörstolperstein Walter Schwarz – Salzburg
07:30 perc
Hörstolperstein Martin Schönhorn – Salzburg

Berta Eisenberg was born on December 5th in 1884 in Galicia. Her 5 siblings, her parents and herself moved to Vienna at the beginning of the 20th century. She married Siegfried Eisenberg there, who was the owner of the S. Eisenberg department store in Salzburg, where they moved to in 1909. Berta and Siegfried had five children, one of them was Paula, born in 1909. Siegfried died in 1924, so Berta had to take care of their children alone. She ran the department store alone, but when antisemitism got stronger in the 1930s, she sold it and moved to Vienna again with two of her children who still lived with their mother, Robert and Paula.

Hörstolperstein Berta Eisenberg

Paula’s daughter Leah was born in 1940. Berta, Paula and Leah were deported to Latvia by the Nazis on December 3, 1941. Leah was just 1 year old at the time. All three of them were killed in the forest of Bikernieki near Riga in March 1942.

In an Interview via Skype, Berta Eisenberg’s great-granddaughter Tamar Berta Granit, who is living in Israel, gave us invaluable impressions about her family and how they live with what happened. You can hear in the Hörstolperstein, what a great person she is.

Thank you Tamar!


Arrangement, presentation and production: Luna Ceto, Anna Lasinger, Theresa Schmidbaur, Eva Schmidhuber

Dieser Hörstolperstein entstand im Rahmen eines Projektes der Radiofabrik mit dem Akademischen Gymnasium Salzburg (Klasse 4b 2016/17, Geschichtelehrer Johannes Straubinger), unterstützt vom Nationalfonds der Republik Österreich für Opfer des Nationalsozialismus und vom Land Salzburg (Wissenschaft/Bildungsförderung).

Szólj hozzá!