16/10/2022 – Situation of prisoners in Ukraine and Russia during the war (Elephant in the Room #42)

Anarchistisches Radio
  • Prisoners during wartimes in Ukraine and Russia
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Wir übernehmen eine Episode von Elephant in the Room (Anarchistisches Netzwerk Dresden) über die Situation von Häftlingen in den Gefängnissen der Ukraine und Russlands:

The war in Ukraine has kept everyone’s attention for over eight months now. Many were horrified by the atrocities that accompany war efforts and are ongoing. We see dead soldiers, tortured civilians, sad faces of those who found their relatives killed and happy cries of locals on de-occupied territories. However, not much is known about one of the most marginalized and invisible groups of the population – the prisoners.
In this interview with talk with Masha from ABC-Belarus, who wrote an article about the situation of prisoners in Ukraine and Russia. We focus on the situation of facilities in occupied territories, people inside the prisons, forced labor of prisoners and more.

Der erwähnte Artikel bei ABC Belarus: https://abc-belarus.org/?p=15375&lang=en

Szólj hozzá!